Sunday, July 31, 2016

July Publication of Daily Chronology of Global Markets and World Economics 2016-07 is Available from Amazon; SPX (S&P 500) and INDU (Dow Industrials) All-Time Highs; COMPQ (Nasdaq Composite) and RUT (Russell 2000) New 2016 Highs; NDX (Nasdaq 100) 16-Year High; Low Bond Yields; Italian Banks Crumbling; New UK PM Theresa May; Turkey Coup Fails; Terrorism Increases Around the World

The July publication of the Daily Chronology of Global Markets and World Economics 2016-07 is available through Amazon (AMZN). The epic market action continues.

July's headline balloons on the cover of this month's publication are;

SPX 2177 and INDU 18590 All-Time Record Highs
COMPQ 5176 and RUT 1225 New 2016 Highs
NDX 4743 New 16-Year high
Record Low Bond Yields
Italian Bank Turmoil
New UK PM Theresa May
UK Property Fund Redemptions Frozen
Turkey Coup Fails Erdogan's "Purge" Begins
Next POTUS is Either Clinton, Trump, Johnson or Stein
Terrorist Attacks Increase Globally

After the Brexit drama in late June, the BOE stepped in promising huge stimulus as well as reducing banking regulations which creates a strong recovery rally in stock markets. Central bankers such as the BOE, Fed, ECB, BOJ and PBOC keep pumping stocks higher. The chronology explains how the central bankers are the marketGlobal yields print new record lows led to the negative side by Switzerland, Japan and Germany. Theresa May is crowned the new UK prime minister. Cameron is sent packing after the Brexit vote.

The Italian banks are very sick and investment bankers, central bankers and politicians meet daily to figure away to recapitalize the garbage. The sick European banks may create global contagionDB (Deutsche Bank) remains ill and may take the entire financial system down.

The chronology describes the reactions to economic data such as the Monthly Jobs Reports in real-time. There is no other document available on the world wide web that records the action in real-time with common sense easy-to-understand detail. Inflation, that the Federal Reserve has tried to create for seven years with their obscene Keynesian programs, cannot exist without wage inflation occurring so each jobs report is very important.

The chronology explains the reaction in stocks, bonds and currencies to key events and economic data releases. If you are trying to make sense of the markets this is the resource for you. No other publication exists in this format where the stock, bond and currency moves are provided and explained as world events take place in real-time.

The chronology records economic history preventing revisionist tampering in future years. Many of the same asset managers telling everyone to go long the market in 2007-2008 repeat the same mantra in 2015-2016. The stock market topped out in May 2015 which placed anyone that listened to television pundits over the last couple years either flat or underwater on their long trades, however, the central banker go juice has pumped stocks higher from February to August to new all-time highs rewarding those that blindly remain long with full confidence in the Federal Reserve.

Analyst and strategist quotes and words are recorded in the chronology so credit or disdain can be handed out in the future. If a multi-year top is printing, the chronology serves as the most accurate accounting of the stock market topping process ever recorded in economic and market historyThe chronology is the most reliable and easy to understand source for explaining global marketsThe chronology is very easy to read and avoids using fancy ten-dollar college words.

As always, all monthly publications of the Daily Chronology of Global Markets and World Economics are available from the links in the margins or simply searching on Amazon or Google. The monthly publication contains updated information not posted on this web site as well as clarifications, edits and refinements to the ongoing daily blog text.

We are living through historic stock market and economic times. The daily chronology is the most accurate accounting on how the stock market tops and bottoms occur in real-time. The monthly publications are compatible with any electronic device and include an extensive Business Acronym List and Ticker Symbol List. The Acronym List is the most comprehensive business-related acronym list available on the internet. The chronology is not available in hard copy and only distributed around the world electronically.

Download this valuable resource today. Remember to support the KE Stone Series of blogs (Keystone the Scribe, The Keystone Speculator and Keybot the Quant) through donations, the daily chronology book sales and honoring advertisers that support the original free content provided in the blogs. The blog proceeds aid charities.

The free blog content is posted in proportion to the advertising, book and donation income received. Thus, you folks working at the large money-center banks around the world need to let some moths out of your wallets if you want this unique trading and economic information, that is not available elsewhere, to continue.

The KE Stone Series of blogs are viewed by 100's of thousands of people around the globe each month including money managers, investors, students, traders, historians, economists, teachers, current event enthusiasts, hedge fund managers, political junkies and folks that truly want to understand how the world's economic systems and markets function. All readers should support the blogs to expand the information provided.

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