Tuesday, November 29, 2016


Keybot the Quant remains long. Yesterday, you saw utilities jumping higher, commodities remaining elevated and volatility dropping so you knew the bears did not have a lot of oomph despite the stock market selling off. Today, commodities collapse, GTX  falls through the important 2249 level, however, utilities leap higher and UTIL moves above the important 654.40 level. Minutes ago, UTIL falls back down through. The pre-scheduled number also prints so the algo is active on Tuesday morning printing four numbers so far. One number printed yesterday.

Bulls need UTIL back above 654.40 and GTX above 2249 to prove they can take stocks higher. Bears need to keep UTIL under 654.40 and GTX under 2249 while pushing volatility higher. Bears need VIX above 13.85 or they got nothing. As this is typed, UTIL creeps higher again towards 654, VIX is at 13.18 and GTX is at 2212; status quo. UTIL 654.40 is a rudder that is steering the broad stock market's direction. Bulls remain in control but higher volatility will be a game changer thus the caution note is added in the title line.

11/30/16; 7:00 PM EST EOM =
11/29/16; 10:22 AM EST = +52; signal line is +40
11/29/16; 10:00 AM EST = +68; signal line is +40
11/29/16; 9:56 AM EST = +67; signal line is +38
11/29/16; 9:36 AM EST = +51; signal line is +37
11/28/16; 9:36 AM EST = +65; signal line is +35
11/27/16; 7:00 PM EST = +51; signal line is +34

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