Monday, January 1, 2018

'Tis the Season for Giving

A snow bird whispers in Keybot the Quant’s ear that it is the giving season. It is time to turn the couch cushions over and send any loose change this way which keeps the lights on and dictates how much content is posted to the K E Stone blogs including The Keystone Speculator, Keybot the Quant and Keystone the Scribe. Any amount is appreciated. It goes to a good cause. The donate button is in the right-hand margin. Thank you.

At a minimum, to help the disadvantaged, go through your closets and donate any winter clothes, especially winter coats, that you no longer wear, to the local thrift shop in your area. Donate the clothes to the local volunteer shops rather than the nation-wide store chains since the hard-working blue-haired gals at the local thrift stores know the direct needs of the disadvantaged people in the community.

Also, take five minutes to clean out the pantry. Place the canned goods you no longer plan to eat in a box or bag and drop that off at the local food bank. Many folks would be happy to eat those beans or that soup that you no longer like. Good luck and happy investing in 2018.

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