Thursday, July 18, 2024


Keybot the Quant flips short at SPX 5615 after yesterday's opening bell as volatility jumps higher. The failure of copper and commodities, and spike in volatility, creates the drop in the stock market. However, by the end of the session, the commodities recover. Chips also create negativity but they remain in the bull camp by a hair. The algo goes wild yesterday printing a dozen numbers including one pre-scheduled number.

Volatility, copper, commodities and semiconductors are running the stock market show.

VIX 13.73 is the bull/bear line in the sand with price at the 14.41 palindrome right now in real-time so this is a check in the bear column.

CPER 27.95 is the line in the sand and price is at 27.45 in the bear camp creating stock market negativity. Copper futures need to gain +1.8% to get the bulls back on track but copper is trading flat overnight. Check that; copper now slipping -0.5%. Dr Copper is puking in the bathroom.

GTX 3686.25 is the line in the sand and price is at 3689.59 a game of pennies. Commodities are a hair positive in the bull camp but flip a coin with this metric.

SOX 5385 is the line in the sand and price is at 5409 in the bull camp. If SOX loses 5385, it is lights-out for the stock market.

The bears need copper and volatility to remain in their camp while pulling GTX and SOX lower to create more negativity. The bulls need GTX and SOX to remain in their camp while pushing the VIX lower and copper higher. Flip a coin since 3 of the 4 parameters can change and flip-flop back and forth today.

On the last trade, that ran for about 6 weeks, a big bull run, the quant program and actual trading each gain +5%. For the year, the SPX is up a huge +18% with the bulls cheering that the party will continue all year long. The quant program is up +4% so far this year and the actual trading gains about +8% in 2024 thus far. The benchmark S&P 500 is outperforming the actual trading generated by Keybot the Quant by 10 percentage points with half the year in the bag. Keybot exited SPY and entered SDS rotating back into the 2x leveraged ETF's since the whipsaw timer has expired.

VIX 13.73, GTX 3686 and SOX 5385 will tell the market story today.

7/21/24; 7:00 PM EST =
7/17/24; 2:26 PM EST = +31; signal line is +38
7/17/24; 2:11 PM EST = +17; signal line is +38
7/17/24; 12:38 PM EST = +31; signal line is +39
7/17/24; 12:13 PM EST = +17; signal line is +39
7/17/24; 12:02 PM EST = +31; signal line is +40
7/17/24; 10:11 AM EST = +17; signal line is +40
7/17/24; 9:53 AM EST = +31; signal line is +41
7/17/24; 9:30 AM EST = +17; signal line is +41; go short 5615; (Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +17.7%)(Keybot algo this trade = +5.2%; Keybot algo for 2024 = +4.1%)(Actual results this trade = +5.0%; Actual results for 2024 = +7.5%)
7/17/24; 9:00 AM EST = +17; signal line is +42 but algorithm remains long
7/17/24; 6:54 AM EST = +17; signal line is +43 but algorithm remains long
7/17/24; 4:39 AM EST = +31; signal line is +45 but algorithm remains long
7/17/24; 4:01 AM EST = +17; signal line is +45 but algorithm remains long
7/16/24; 9:36 PM EST = +31; signal line is +46 but algorithm remains long
7/15/24; 2:27 PM EST = +61; signal line is +46
7/15/24; 1:38 PM EST = +45; signal line is +46 but algorithm remains long
7/14/24; 7:00 PM EST = +61; signal line is +45
7/12/24; 10:00 AM EST = +61; signal line is +44
7/7/24; 7:00 PM EST = +61; signal line is +43
7/5/24; 9:00 AM EST = +61; signal line is +43
7/3/24; 9:36 AM EST = +61; signal line is +41
7/2/24; 10:20 AM EST = +45; signal line is +41
7/2/24; 10:11 AM EST = +29; signal line is +40 but algorithm remains long
7/2/24; 9:59 AM EST = +45; signal line is +41
7/2/24; 9:36 AM EST = +61; signal line is +40
6/30/24; 7:00 PM EST EOM EOQ2 EOH1 = +45; signal line is +40
6/28/24; 3:56 PM EST = +45; signal line is +41
6/28/24; 3:06 PM EST = +29; signal line is +41 but algorithm remains long
6/28/24; 10:00 AM EST = +45; signal line is +42
6/28/24; 9:37 AM EST = +45; signal line is +42
6/27/24; 9:36 AM EST = +29; signal line is +41 but algorithm remains long
6/26/24; 3:58 PM EST = +45; signal line is +42
6/26/24; 3:47 PM EST = +29; signal line is +41 but algorithm remains long
6/26/24; 2:54 PM EST = +45; signal line is +41
6/26/24; 9:58 AM EST = +29; signal line is +40 but algorithm remains long
6/25/24; 10:00 AM EST = +45; signal line is +40
6/23/24; 7:00 PM EST = +46; signal line is +39
6/21/24; 9:36 AM EST = +46; signal line is +39
6/20/24; 9:39 AM EST = +62; signal line is +39
6/20/24; 9:00 AM EST = +46; signal line is +39
6/18/24; 3:42 PM EST = +46; signal line is +38
6/18/24; 3:08 PM EST = +30; signal line is +38 but algorithm remains long
6/18/24; 11:46 AM EST = +46; signal line is +38
6/16/24; 7:00 PM EST = +30; signal line is +38 but algorithm remains long
6/14/24; 10:00 AM EST = +30; signal line is +38 but algorithm remains long
6/13/24; 9:52 AM EST = +30; signal line is +38 but algorithm remains long
6/13/24; 9:39 AM EST = +46; signal line is +37
6/12/24; 2:44 PM EST = +30; signal line is +36 but algorithm remains long
6/12/24; 2:30 PM EST = +46; signal line is +35
6/12/24; 2:06 PM EST = +30; signal line is +34 but algorithm remains long
6/12/24; 9:36 AM EST = +46; signal line is +34
6/11/24; 9:36 AM EST = +30; signal line is +33 but algorithm remains long
6/10/24; 3:59 PM EST = +46; signal line is +32
6/10/24; 3:04 PM EST = +62; signal line is +30
6/10/24; 2:28 PM EST = +46; signal line is +28
6/10/24; 1:50 PM EST = +62; signal line is +27
6/10/24; 1:08 PM EST = +46; signal line is +26
6/10/24; 12:54 PM EST = +30; signal line is +26
6/10/24; 11:46 AM EST = +46; signal line is +27
6/10/24; 11:33 AM EST = +30; signal line is +27
6/10/24; 10:27 AM EST = +16; signal line is +27 but algorithm remains long
6/10/24; 10:10 AM EST = +32; signal line is +27
6/10/24; 9:38 AM EST = +16; signal line is +27 but algorithm remains long
6/9/24; 7:00 PM EST = +32; signal line is +28
6/7/24; 9:36 AM EST = +32; signal line is +28
6/7/24; 9:00 AM EST = +48; signal line is +27
6/6/24; 2:28 PM EST = +48; signal line is +27
6/6/24; 2:14 PM EST = +32; signal line is +25
6/6/24; 1:31 PM EST = +48; signal line is +25
6/6/24; 12:24 PM EST = +32; signal line is +24
6/5/24; 2:15 PM EST = +32; signal line is +24; go long 5339; (Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +11.9%)(Keybot algo this trade = -1.8%; Keybot algo for 2024 = -1.1%)(Actual results this trade = -1.7%; Actual results for 2024 = +2.5%)

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