Saturday, September 14, 2024


Keybot the quant flips to the long side on Friday morning at SPX 5612. The bulls retake the stock market market baton and run ahead with the algo number 13 points above the signal line. That is not saying much. The stock market is all over the map including sectors, indexes and individual tickers so do not be surprised if the robot whipsaws back to the short side. Goin' up, goin' down, goin' up, down, down, up, anyway you want it, let it roll, like Jimmy sings.

The banks started falling over the edge last hump day but a stick save occurred. This steadied stocks and then retail stocks were pumped hard giving the broad stock market a big push higher. Scamazon was up +9% last week. Interestingly, despite the upside orgy in stocks, pumped by retail stocks, banks and copper, the rally occurs without the chips or volatility. Extremely odd.

The quant is tracking four metrics that are controlling stock market direction currently. Financials and copper are in the bull camp creating the upside orgy. Semiconductors and volatility are in the bear camp asking why everyone is so happy?

To continue the stock market rally and print new record highs for the SPX above 5670, bulls need chips and volatility. Bulls need SOX above 5022 and VIX below 14.95. Any one of the two will send the SPX to its record high and both turning bullish will guarantee new all-time highs.

It is odd that the VIX remains in the bear camp despite the comeback rally. If VIX remains above 14.95, the rally is meaningless and will wither on the vine and fade, like past loves. For the big rally last week, and if you are bullish, you are worried that the VIX remains elevated and semi's have not fully recovered. The SOX only needs +0.8% more to turn bullish and provide fuel to the broad market so watch some chip names in the pre-market since they will tell you where SOX is headed.

The bears need weaker financials and copper. Bears need XLF below 43.52 and CPER below 26.32. Any one of the two will immediately stop the stock market rally and both will begin a more sustainable downside path for stocks.

CPER closed on Thursday exactly at the 26.32 the robot called out ahead of time. Copper continued its buoyancy on Friday providing the push higher for stocks. CPER ends the week at 26.40 only a whisker from the bear camp at 26.32. Watch copper futures overnight into Monday morning to see if they drop more than -0.3%, if so, stocks will be soggy with a downward bias. If copper futures are flat or higher, the bulls are coming to play again on Monday.

It's a coin-flip now for the stock market. The circus continues with Pope Powell riding in on his pale green horse on Wednesday to announce the big 25-bip, or maybe 50-bip, rate cut.

The caution flag is out since markets can change on a dime. If CPER loses 26.32, only a hair away, consider the imminent turn to be in play, and then if the SPX drops below 5602 trending lower, Keybot the Quant will likely whipsaw back to the short side

Semi's, volatility, copper and banks are all that matter currently with copper at the top of the heap. Focus on these four and you will know where stocks are headed.

On the last trade, that ran for 10 days, the quant program loses a percent and the actual trading loses a couple percent. Whipsaw price action wreaks havoc on robots. For the year, the benchmark S&P 500, that is the US stock market, is up almost +18%. The bulls are puffing their chests calling for the SPX to print over 6K this year. The Keybot the Quant program is up +5% this year and the actual trading generated by the quant is up +9% underperforming the benchmark by 9 percentage points. Keybot exited SDS and entered SSO.

9/15/24; 7:00 PM EST =
9/13/24; 2:28 PM EST = +18; signal line is +5
9/13/24; 2:06 PM EST = +2; signal line is +5 but algorithm remains long
9/13/24; 10:00 AM EST = +18; signal line is +5
9/13/24; 9:36 AM EST = +18; signal line is +5; go long 5612; (Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +17.7%)(Keybot algo this trade = -1.2%; Keybot algo for 2024 = +5.0%)(Actual results this trade = -2.1%; Actual results for 2024 = +9.3%)
9/11/24; 12:36 PM EST = +2; signal line is +4
9/11/24; 10:46 AM EST = -14; signal line is +5
9/11/24; 10:43 AM EST = +2; signal line is +7
9/11/24; 10:27 AM EST = -14; signal line is +7
9/9/24; 10:21 AM EST = +2; signal line is +9
9/8/24; 7:00 PM EST = -14; signal line is +9
9/6/24; 9:36 AM EST = -14; signal line is +11
9/6/24; 9:00 AM EST = +2; signal line is +11
9/5/24; 12:40 PM EST = +2; signal line is +12
9/5/24; 12:20 PM EST = -14; signal line is +12
9/3/24; 2:04 PM EST = +2; signal line is +13; go short 5544; (Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +16.2%)(Keybot algo this trade = +0.4%; Keybot algo for 2024 = +6.2%)(Actual results this trade = +0.6%; Actual results for 2024 = +11.4%)

Sunday, September 8, 2024


Keybot the Quant remains short with the algo number 25 points below the signal line. The bears are cruising along after the collapse of the chips sector last week. Throw the dirty SOX into the laundry basket. Retail stocks next turned sour creating the drop in the overall stock market.

For the week ahead, the quant is currently tracking RTH 206.00 and XLF 43.31 as the two key metrics controlling stock market direction. RTH, retail stocks, are creating negativity in the stock market while the XLF, banks and financials, are creating positivity in equities.

Bears need the banks to falter to start kicking in some serious downside in US stocks. Bears need XLF to fall below 43.31, that is -2.3% from current levels, to create market mayhem. The US stock market will fall apart if the banks fail so watch individual names such as BAC, where Warren Buffett is ditching shares, GS, WFC, C, the usual suspects, to see if they start dropping -2% or -3%. That would spell serious trouble ahead.

Bulls need stronger retail stocks to stop the downward slide in US stocks. Bulls need RTH above 206.00, that is +1.0% from current levels, to stabilize the stock market into a sideways pattern that stops the selling. Bulls will need further help, such as pumping copper and chips higher, and volatility lower, if they want to regain control of the stock market. This appears a difficult task right now but things can change fast.

If RTH remains below 206.00 and XLF above 43.31, the stock market will stagger sideways like a drunk at the honky-tonk last evening that had to be shown the door. I Like Austin, but I Love San Antone. Bulls win with stronger retail stocks while bears win with weaker banks.

Keybot prints a pre-scheduled number on Friday morning; Friday the 13th for the superstitious folks. 13's my lucky number, to you it means stay inside. Bad Luck

9/15/24; 7:00 PM EST =
9/13/24; 10:00 AM EST =
9/8/24; 7:00 PM EST = -14; signal line is +9
9/6/24; 9:36 AM EST = -14; signal line is +11
9/6/24; 9:00 AM EST = +2; signal line is +11
9/5/24; 12:40 PM EST = +2; signal line is +12
9/5/24; 12:20 PM EST = -14; signal line is +12
9/3/24; 2:04 PM EST = +2; signal line is +13; go short 5544; (Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +16.2%)(Keybot algo this trade = +0.4%; Keybot algo for 2024 = +6.2%)(Actual results this trade = +0.6%; Actual results for 2024 = +11.4%)

Wednesday, September 4, 2024


Keybot the Quant flips short yesterday afternoon at SPX 5544. The semiconductors collapsed sending the broad stock market lower. SOX was bludgeoned creating market angst. The bears are back in charge of stock market direction but the algo number is only 11 points below the signal line.

Bears likely need retail stocks to fall apart to create more negativity and the robot is tracking the RTH 206.25 bull/bear line in the sand. Price starts at 208.64 today only a percent on the bull side. If RTH loses 206.25, the broad stock market will deteriorate further. Watch AMZN.

Obviously, bulls need the chips to recover but they are severely beaten and lying behind the dumpster in the alleyway. RTH 206.25 will dictate if the bears will growl more or if stocks will stumble sideways into the critical US Monthly Job Report on Friday morning.

On the last trade, that ran for a couple weeks, the quant program and actual trading generated by the quant each post marginal gains. For the year, now two-thirds complete, the benchmark S&P 500 is up +16%. The Keybot the Quant program is up +6% and the actual trading is up +11% underperforming the broad market by about 5 percentage points. Keybot exited SSO and entered SDS.

9/8/24; 7:00 PM EST =
9/6/24; 9:00 AM EST =
9/3/24; 2:04 PM EST = +2; signal line is +13; go short 5544; (Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +16.2%)(Keybot algo this trade = +0.4%; Keybot algo for 2024 = +6.2%)(Actual results this trade = +0.6%; Actual results for 2024 = +11.4%)
9/3/24; 9:36 AM EST = +2; signal line is +14 but algorithm remains long
9/1/24; 7:00 PM EST EOM = +18; signal line is +14
8/30/24; 3:59 PM EST = +18; signal line is +14
8/30/24; 11:02 AM EST = +2; signal line is +14 but algorithm remains long
8/30/24; 10:36 AM EST = +18; signal line is +14
8/30/24; 10:26 AM EST = +2; signal line is +15 but algorithm remains long
8/30/24; 10:00 AM EST = +18; signal line is +15
8/30/24; 9:47 AM EST = +18; signal line is +16
8/29/24; 2:16 PM EST = +2; signal line is +16 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 1:58 PM EST = +18; signal line is +17
8/29/24; 1:17 PM EST = +2; signal line is +17 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 11:43 AM EST = +18; signal line is +18
8/29/24; 11:26 AM EST = +2; signal line is +18 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 10:49 AM EST = +18; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 10:21 AM EST = +2; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 10:02 AM EST = +18; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/28/24; 9:53 AM EST = +2; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/28/24; 9:36 AM EST = +18; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/27/24; 12:36 PM EST = +34; signal line is +18
8/27/24; 11:31 AM EST = +18; signal line is +16
8/27/24; 11:02 AM EST = +34; signal line is +14
8/27/24; 10:00 AM EST = +18; signal line is +13
8/26/24; 12:45 PM EST = +17; signal line is +11
8/26/24; 12:28 PM EST = +1; signal line is +10 but algorithm remains long
8/26/24; 12:20 PM EST = +17; signal line is +9
8/26/24; 11:03 AM EST = +1; signal line is +8 but algorithm remains long
8/26/24; 10:36 AM EST = +17; signal line is +6
8/26/24; 9:36 AM EST = +33; signal line is +5
8/25/24; 7:00 PM EST = +17; signal line is +3
8/23/24; 9:36 AM EST = +17; signal line is +2
8/22/24; 3:28 PM EST = +1; signal line is +1 but algorithm remains long
8/20/24; 3:06 AM EST = +17; signal line is -1
8/19/24; 10:51 AM EST = +31; signal line is -2
8/19/24; 3:06 AM EST = +17; signal line is -4
8/18/24; 7:00 PM EST = +31; signal line is -5
8/16/24; 3:59 PM EST = +31; signal line is -7
8/16/24; 3:35 PM EST = +17; signal line is -8
8/16/24; 2:41 PM EST = +31; signal line is -8
8/16/24; 1:56 PM EST = +17; signal line is -9
8/16/24; 11:45 AM EST = +31; signal line is -11
8/16/24; 10:00 AM EST = +17; signal line is -12
8/16/24; 9:00 AM EST = +17; signal line is -12
8/15/24; 10:37 AM EST = +17; signal line is -13; go long 5520; (Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +15.7%)(Keybot algo this trade = +1.7%; Keybot algo for 2024 = +5.8%)(Actual results this trade = +3.3%; Actual results for 2024 = +10.8%)

Sunday, September 1, 2024


Keybot the Quant remains long after last week's bull/bear battle. Stocks stumble sideways with a slight upward bias because the VIX will not give up the 14.71 line in the sand. The bulls teased a couple times taking the VIX sub 15 but could not achieve the goal of dropping below 14.71 which would firmly verify the upside move in stocks and its continuation. Stocks were bullish the last two trading days into the 3-day holiday weekend as is typically the case.

The bulls remain in charge but the algo number is only 4 points above the signal line. Flip a coin. Volatility is a key mover of stocks currently, as mentioned, and also copper, commodities and the semiconductors.

The bulls need VIX below 14.71, CPER above 26.55 and/or GTX above 3607. Any 1 of the 3 flipping into the bull camp will create another leg higher for the US stock market. A VIX below 14.71 will create an upside buying orgy so obscene it would make Caligula blush. So the bulls are praying for lower vol and higher copper and commodities to boost stocks higher. Commodities made a run higher last week but that petered out.

The bears need SOX below 5132 to reintroduce stock market weakness and selling. The chip battle was a knock-down drag-out fight last week as the quant printout shows. The semiconductors are running the stock market show currently and created last weeks buoyancy in the stock market.

US markets are closed Monday for the Labor Day holiday and will reopen Tuesday morning. The uber important US Monthly Jobs Report is on tap Friday morning and will be the Superbowl of economic data. The US unemployment rate is 4.3%. If it jumps higher to 4.4% and more, Pope Powell is probably late with the rate cuts and may go 50-bips this month. If the rate stays around this 4.1% to 4.3% range and lower, a 25-bip cut is likely on the table for 9/18/24. 

The stage is set for Tuesday. It looked like the bears were taking control last week and both copper and semiconductors failed into the bear camp creating negativity, but by the end of the week, the chips recovered to steady the stock market ship. This battle continues.

Keeping it simple, bulls win big with either VIX below 14.71 and/or CPER above 26.55. If both turn bullish, the euphoric SPX 6,000 calls for this year may actually become a reality.

However, if the VIX remains elevated, and copper weak, and the SOX loses 5132, there will be blood flowing on Wall and Broad. Watch the futures to know what is going on with volatility and copper. Bulls need a +0.9% rise in copper futures to turn on the afterburners and send stocks to the moon. Bears need a -0.5% drop in semiconductors to reintroduce stock market weakness and selling. Volatility, copper and chips are all that matter to the stock market currently.

If the SOX loses 5132, and the SPX drops below 5582 trending lower, Keybot the Quant will likely flip short so the imminent turn notation is in the title line for now. Keybot prints a pre-scheduled number on Friday morning. Two-thirds of 2024 is toast with only one-third remaining. Happy Labor Day. Lightning Crashes during labor.

9/8/24; 7:00 PM EST =
9/6/24; 9:00 AM EST =
9/1/24; 7:00 PM EST EOM = +18; signal line is +14
8/30/24; 3:59 PM EST = +18; signal line is +14
8/30/24; 11:02 AM EST = +2; signal line is +14 but algorithm remains long
8/30/24; 10:36 AM EST = +18; signal line is +14
8/30/24; 10:26 AM EST = +2; signal line is +15 but algorithm remains long
8/30/24; 10:00 AM EST = +18; signal line is +15
8/30/24; 9:47 AM EST = +18; signal line is +16
8/29/24; 2:16 PM EST = +2; signal line is +16 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 1:58 PM EST = +18; signal line is +17
8/29/24; 1:17 PM EST = +2; signal line is +17 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 11:43 AM EST = +18; signal line is +18 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 11:26 AM EST = +2; signal line is +18 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 10:49 AM EST = +18; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 10:21 AM EST = +2; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/29/24; 10:02 AM EST = +18; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/28/24; 9:53 AM EST = +2; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/28/24; 9:36 AM EST = +18; signal line is +19 but algorithm remains long
8/27/24; 12:36 PM EST = +34; signal line is +18