Friday, January 10, 2014


Keybot the Quant remains long. The algo prints the pre-scheduled number this morning followed by three more print outs thus far in the session. Bulls remain in control. JJC is above 40.29 and UTIL popped above 493.65 creating the bull fuel. UTIL has since fallen back under 493.65. The strong copper helps maintain the elevation in the stock markets. Bears need JJC 40.29. Bulls need UTIL 493.65. If status quo remains, equities will float sideways to sideways higher into the closing bell.

If JJC drops under 40.29, and the SPX loses 1830.50, and both remain under, Keybot will likely flip short. Otherwise, the bulls will maintain control into and through the weekend. The lower volatility today helps the bulls maintain an elevated stock market. Since both the SPX and VIX are down, one of them is wrong. The imminent turn notation remains in the title line but bears got nothing without weaker copper. Markets remain very unstable.

1/12/14; 7:00 PM EST =
1/10/14; 11:02 AM EST = +49; signal line is +46
1/10/14; 9:34 AM EST = +65; signal line is +46
1/10/14; 9:30 AM EST = +49; signal line is +45
1/10/14; 9:00 AM EST = +33; signal line is +45 but algorithm remains long
1/9/14; 10:38 AM EST = +33; signal line is +45 but algorithm remains long

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