Tuesday, January 27, 2015


Keybot the Quant flips back to the short side again in these erratic markets. The NYA fails under 10812 creating weakness. The VIX leaps above 16.02 creating selling pressure. The SOX collapses under 673.90 creating stock market negativity. The XLF remains under 24.05 moving lower creating selling pressure. Watch these four parameters since a recovery move will not occur with stocks until one of these parameters turn bullish.

The algo logs another losing trade on the year with the program down -3% thus far in 2015 and the actual trading now choking -7% so far. That means an interesting year is ahead. Keybot exits DDM and enters SH. The algorithm is now in a single ETF mode due to the whipsaws and will trade single ETF's for at least a duration of one month forward.

NYA 10812, VIX 16.02, SOX 673.90 and XLF 24.05 are dictating the stock market weakness. The semiconductors are likely the best chance for bulls to recover. SOX is printing at 668.37 so watch it today to see if it can recover.

2/1/15; 7:00 PM EST EOM = 

1/30/15; 10:00 AM EST = 
1/27/15; 10:00 AM EST = +10; signal line is +21
1/27/15; 9:30 AM EST = +6; signal line is +22; go short 2047; (Benchmark SPX for 2015 = -0.6%)(Keybot algo this trade = -0.3%; Keybot algo for 2015 = -3.3%)(Actual results this trade = -1.0%; Actual results for 2015 = -6.8%) [E: 201501260931A]
1/26/15; 3:43 PM EST = +50; signal line is +23
1/26/15; 3:22 PM EST = +36; signal line is +23
1/26/15; 1:53 PM EST = +50; signal line is +23
1/26/15; 12:40 PM EST = +36; signal line is +23
1/26/15; 12:15 PM EST = +50; signal line is +23
1/26/15; 10:54 AM EST = +36; signal line is +23
1/25/15; 7:00 PM EST = +22; signal line is +23 but algorithm remains long
1/23/15; 3:42 PM EST = +22; signal line is +24 but algorithm remains long
1/22/15; 2:32 PM EST = +36; signal line is +25; go long 2054; (Benchmark SPX for 2015 = -0.2%)(Keybot algo this trade = -0.8%; Keybot algo for 2015 = -3.0%)(Actual results this trade = -0.8%; Actual results for 2015 = -5.8%)

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