Monday, March 10, 2025


Keybot the Quant remains short as the stock market collapses. The bears are in full control with the algo number 46 points below the signal line. SPX 5664 and NYA 19260 both fail ushering in market mayhem and the blood is flowing on Wall and Broad.

Interestingly, utilities did not fail. UTIL is at 1002 with the line in the sand at 986. Bears need weaker utes and copper to create a significant crash. 

If SPX or NYA recover above the numbers listed above, the all-clear will start to sound for a relief rally but if these two metrics remain bearish, stocks still have a long ways to drop. If both remain negative and UTIL loses 986, there is no hope if you are long, you will lose a lot of money. Bulls also need GTX above 3717 which would help stabilize the stock market and stop the downdraft.

Watch UTIL 986 because if it fails, it will be the Last Kiss for the stock market before it goes off the cliff.

3/16/25; 7:00 PM EST =
3/14/25; 10:00 AM EST =
3/10/25; 1:36 PM EST = -60; signal line is -14
3/10/25; 10:38 AM EST = -46; signal line is -11
3/10/25; 9:57 AM EST = -32; signal line is -8
3/10/25; 9:36 AM EST = -18; signal line is -6
3/9/25; 7:00 PM EST = -32; signal line is -5

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