Monday, March 28, 2011


The week starts with a stick save.  The SPX was only four pennies away from collapsing into a bearish selling event but the closing bell saved the day.  It took the whole day, but the SPX finally made its way to the 1310 handle.  Quite a turn around day with many sectors turning bearish.

For tomorrow, the SPX picks up where it left off since it closed at the low.  Very simply, if the SPX is down at the open, then Keybot will probably flip to a short position in quick order, but, if the SPX moves up at the open, the algorithm will probably stay the course and remain long.

In addition, a pre-scheduled number is clicked off by Keybot at 10 AM EST, and this time area exhibits potential pivot interest.  Stay on guard.  Extreme caution is warranted.  The broad markets are currently unstable.

4/3/11; 7:00 PM EST =
4/1/11; 9:00 AM EST =
3/31/11; 7:00 PM EST; EOM =
3/29/11; 10:00 AM EST =
3/28/11; 10:55 AM EST = -2; signal line is +19 but algorithm says stay long
3/28/11; 10:53 AM EST = +12; signal line is +20 but algorithm says stay long
3/28/11; 10:26 AM EST = +28
3/28/11; 10:14 AM EST = +12; signal line is +18 but algorithm says stay long
3/28/11; 10:00 AM EST = -2; signal line is +18 but algorithm says stay long
3/28/11; 9:35 AM EST = +14; signal line is +18 but algorithm says stay long
3/28/11; 9:30 AM EST = -2; signal line is +19 but algorithm says stay long
3/27/11; 7:00 PM EST = +28
3/25/11; 3:23 PM EST = +28; signal line is +19
3/25/11; 3:13 PM EST = +44
3/25/11; 1:55 PM EST = +28
3/25/11; 12:57 PM EST = +44
3/25/11; 10:48 AM EST = +60
3/25/11; 10:00 AM EST = +44
3/24/11; 10:55 AM EST = +44
3/24/11; 10:54 AM EST = +30
3/24/11; 10:46 AM EST = +14; signal line is +12
3/24/11; 10:30 AM EST = +30
3/24/11; 10:10 AM EST = +14; signal line is +11; go long 1299; (Benchmark SPX for 2011=+3.3%)(Keybot this trade=+1.1%; Keybot for 2011=+2.4%)(Actual this trade via SDS=+1.6%; Actual for 2011=+2.0%)
3/23/11; 9:30 AM EST = +14; signal line is +12 but algorithm says stay short

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