Sunday, June 23, 2013


Keybot the Quant is bearish moving into the new week. Retail, financial and semiconductor sectors dictate market direction. Watch SOX 456.35 (now above causing market bullishness), RTH 51.48 (now below causing market bearishness) and XLF 19.25 (now below causing bearishness). If the prices remain as is, the broad indexes will float along sideways. The bulls need RTH 51.48 and/or XLF 19.25. Bears need SOX 456.35. If the bulls start to run higher watch UTIL 481 since that will signal lots more market upside ahead, however, if UTIL remains under 481, any bounce in the markets will likely result in a roll over to the downside again.

For the SPX, starting at 1592, the bulls need to punch up through 1599, and touch the 1600 handle, and the upside will accelerate into a mini recovery rally to test 1609 and perhaps 1614. The bears need to push under 1578, and the strong 1576 support should fold like a cheap suit, with price moving towards the 1560's.  A move through 1579-1596 is sideways action for Monday. Keybot prints two pre-scheduled numbers this week, one on Tuesday and one on Friday. The EOM, EOQ2 and EOH1 occurs Friday. The most important parameter above is RTH 51.48 as the opening bell rings tomorrow.

6/30/13; 7:00 PM EST EOM EOQ2 EOH1 =
6/28/13; 10:00 AM EST =
6/25/13; 10:00 AM EST =
6/23/13; 7:00 PM EST = -29; signal line is +18
6/21/13; 3:40 PM EST = -29; signal line is +20

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