Monday, February 24, 2014


Note: Fixed the typo for the date and time this morning it should have been 2/24/14 and 9:45 AM as shown below for the flip to the long side. Apologies for the typo but it should have been self explanatory.

Keybot the Quant flips long at SPX 1846. RTH jumped into the bull camp to create the upward thrust with the SPX now printing new all-time highs. As soon as price touched 1846 it shot higher like a rocket. Financials, XLF, remain bullish. Copper and volatility remain in the bear camp. The bulls must send the VIX bellow 13.95-14.00 to prove that further upside to SPX 1860-1880 is on tap. The algo program lost -1% on the last trade and the actual trading lost nearly -4%. TWM was slapped hard due to stronger small caps driven by the speculative biotech stocks. Keybot switches into QLD and continues to use the leveraged ETF's since a whipsaw has not occurred in many weeks. As always, stay alert for a whipsaw back to the short side either today or tomorrow.

Bears need to push RTH under 58.65 and the upside market move would stall. Bulls need to maintain the RTH bullishness while pushing VIX under 14 since this will clear the path to SPX 1860+. The bulls are driving the bus but markets are extremely erratic and unstable.

3/2/14; 7:00 PM EST EOM =
2/28/14; 10:00 AM EST =
2/25/14; 10:00 AM EST =
2/24/14; 9:45 AM EST = +48; signal line is +35; go long 1846; (Benchmark SPX for 2014 = -0.1%)(Keybot this trade = -1.0%; Keybot for 2014 = +2.5%)(Actual this trade = -3.8%; Actual for 2014 = +4.0%)
2/23/14; 7:00 PM EST = +32; signal line is +33
2/21/14; 9:51 AM EST = +32; signal line is +32
2/20/14; 12:29 PM EST = +32; signal line is +31 but algorithm remains short
2/20/14; 11:22 AM EST = +16; signal line is +30
2/20/14; 11:03 AM EST = +32; signal line is +29 but algorithm remains short
2/20/14; 9:48 AM EST = +16; signal line is +26
2/20/14; 9:37 AM EST = +32; signal line is +24 but algorithm remains short
2/19/14; 3:52 PM EST = +16; signal line is +22; go short 1828; (Benchmark SPX for 2014 = -1.1%)(Keybot this trade = +3.5%; Keybot for 2014 = +3.5%)(Actual this trade = +9.1%; Actual for 2014 = +7.8%)

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