Keybot the Quant remains short after a very active day for the algorithm printing eight numbers. Keybot is champing at the bit to go long right now but several internal programming rules will not yet latch to permit the flip to the long side. If the SPX moves above 2122 in Thursday's trade and stays above, Keybot will likely flip long. If a gap-up open occurs, Keybot will ikely not flip long and instead a timer may prevent the move for about 90 minutes. If copper and commodities are hugely strong in early trading, Keybot may flip long quicker.
The bears will come ready to play as well and need to send retail stocks lower to place a lid on the broad market upside. Watch RTH 76.25 as the line in the sand with price now at 76.59 which created bullish lift in stocks today. Bears need RTH under 76.25 pronto or they will be punched in the face. Bears can also create market negativity by pushing VIX above 14.42.
To keep it simple, watch RTH 76.25 and SPX 2122 as key pivots that dictate broad market direction forward. For the SPX starting at 2114, the bulls need to touch the 2122 handle and bingo price will seek 2130 quickly. The bears need to push under 2110 to accelerate the downside that will target 2100 quickly. A move through 2111-2121 is sideways action for Thursday. The bears remain in control but are only holding on by a thread.
7:00 PM EST =
9:00 AM EST =
6/3/15; 3:59 PM EST =
+30; signal line is +26 but algorithm remains short
6/3/15; 3:51 PM EST =
+14; signal line is +27
6/3/15; 3:44 PM EST =
+30; signal line is +29 but algorithm remains short
6/3/15; 3:24 PM EST =
+14; signal line is +30
6/3/15; 2:13 PM EST =
+30; signal line is +31
6/3/15; 11:54 AM EST
= +14; signal line is +32
6/3/15; 10:47 AM EST
= +30; signal line is +34
6/3/15; 10:46 AM EST
= +44; signal line is +36 but algorithm remains short
10:43 AM EST = +28; signal line is +36
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