Friday, July 10, 2015


Keybot the Quant remains short but the bulls may have something different in mind today. The S&P futures are up 25 handles. The market bears need SPX under 2049 to create additional selling pressure in the broad indexes, however, the futures are jumping the other way. For the bulls, the upside rally will be confirmed with RTH above 75.89 and XLF above 24.62. If either of these parameters occur, and the SPX is above 2074, and remains above, Keybot will likely flip long. If stocks rally but RTH stays under 75.89 and XLF under 24.62, then the bulls got nothing and stocks will reverse and sell off.

The imminent turn notation is in the title line since it looks like the bulls are going to make a charge to gain control after the opening bell and try to flip the algorithm long. The SPX 2074-2075 level is key.

7/12/15; 7:00 PM EST =
7/9/15; 12:06 PM EST = -38; signal line is -28
7/9/15; 10:57 AM EST = -22; signal line is -26 but algorithm remains short
7/9/15; 10:25 AM EST = -38; signal line is -24
7/9/15; 9:36 AM EST = -22; signal line is -22 but algorithm remains short
7/8/15; 3:58 PM EST = -52; signal line is -21

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