Friday, February 10, 2012


Keybot the Quant remains long as the pre-scheduled number prints resulting in no change. The internals of the algorithm are only one single hair away from going short but the proper signals are not in place yet, thus, Keybot remains long. The CRB needs to drop a couple more points to move under 310.50 if the bears want mojo.

Utilities are weak and volatilty continues higher, the VIX back above 20, both bear-friendly. Markets remain unstable. Tech is not leading the market downside today, tech and the broad market are both moving down about equally, thus, the downside is muted.  Bears would need to slam tech harder to increase negativity, and that means AAPL would need to go down, but Apple is up on the day today.  The drama continues, Keybot is on the verge of going short but remains long for now.

2/12/12; 7:00 PM EST =
2/10/12; 10:00 AM EST = +48; signal line is +49 but algorithm says stay long
2/5/12; 7:00 PM EST = +48; signal line is +49 but algorithm says stay long

Note Added 2/10/12 at 10:11 AM EST:  As the above missive was written, AAPL went negative on the day today but now has hopped higher again. The SPX is testing 1337 support. Bears need to push AAPL lower to develop downside momo, if AAPL stays lofty, so will the broad indexes. SPX 1337 support held on the first assault.

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