Friday, February 15, 2013


Keybot the Quant is long as the pre-scheduled number prints increasing the signal line a couple ticks. The higher the signal line the easier it is for Keybot to flip short, when the time comes. The utilities sector moves higher with UTIL at 472.66 three points above danger and JJC at 47 also above danger. The bulls are trying to push through the SPX 1523-1524 level as the day continues.

2/17/13; 7:00 PM EST =
2/15/13; 10:00 AM EST = +79; signal line is +53
2/14/13; 1:17 PM EST = +79; signal line is +51


  1. Hy.
    A rising signal line at +51, +53 and so on.. correlated with a stagnant +79 (+/- 1-2 points) virtually describes and argues for a rising wedge in spx with a target at 1550-1590 and a time frame of maximum 40-60 effective trading days (if this kind of market dynamic persists) ?

  2. Keybot would likely flip short and run lower for a little while, then reverse and turn bullish again, fo rthe 1550+ scenario, it would not be expected to go to 1550+ right away now but it is definitely a possibility. Watch copper and the commodities for clues.


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