Tuesday, December 10, 2013


Keybot the Quant flips to the short side at 1803. The market action remains nutty and unstable. VIX moves above 14 and GTX below 4811.05 creating market weakness but both remain on the bull-bear lines in the sand and can continue to go either way. For now, the bears are driving the bus again. Stay alert for a potential whipsaw back to the long side today or tomorrow. The last trade results in a dead flat trade. The algo exits SSO and enters TWM. Markets remain a crap-shoot. Watch VIX 14.00 and GTX 4811. VIX is currently printing 14.08 helping bears but the GTX is sneaking back above 4811 trying to help the bulls. This is very wild market action. The algo has printed 15 numbers already this week. The imminent turn status must remain since markets are very indecisive and erratic.

12/15/13; 7:00 PM EST =
12/10/13; 12:31 PM EST = +32; signal line is +41
12/10/13; 12:21 PM EST = +46; signal line is +41 but algorithm remains short
12/10/13; 11:56 AM EST = +32; signal line is +41; go short 1803; (Benchmark SPX for 2013 = +26.4%)(Keybot this trade = +0.0%; Keybot for 2013 = +14.7%)(Actual this trade = +0.0%; Actual for 2013 = +8.0%)
12/10/13; 11:37 AM EST = +32; signal line is +42 but algorithm remains long
12/10/13; 10:45 AM EST = +46; signal line is +42
12/10/13; 10:07 AM EST = +60; signal line is +41
12/10/13; 9:37 AM EST = +46; signal line is +40
12/9/13; 2:26 PM EST = +46; signal line is +39
12/9/13; 2:14 PM EST = +60; signal line is +39
12/9/13; 1:38 PM EST = +46; signal line is +38
12/9/13; 1:18 PM EST = +60; signal line is +38
12/9/13; 12:35 PM EST = +46; signal line is +37
12/9/13; 11:01 AM EST = +60; signal line is +37
12/9/13; 10:30 AM EST = +46; signal line is +36
12/9/13; 9:46 AM EST = +60; signal line is +35
12/8/13; 7:00 PM EST = +44; signal line is +34
12/6/13; 12:41 PM EST = +44; signal line is +34; go long 1803; (Benchmark SPX for 2013 = +26.4%)(Keybot this trade = -3.3%; Keybot for 2013 = +14.7%)(Actual this trade = -7.1%; Actual for 2013 = +8.0%)

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