Monday, December 9, 2013


Keybot the Quant remains long as the algo prints 3 more numbers starting off an active week of action. VIX keeps oscillating above and below 14 and spiked above, helping bears, a few minutes ago. Watch to see if VIX stays above 14, or not. GTX keeps teasing 4811 but remains on the bull side. JJC is only a penny away from the 39.65 bull-bear danger line. If GTX fails 4811 and/or JJC loses 39.65, and the SPX drops about 20 handles, Keybot will likely flip short. Therefore, even if the algo wants to go short today, if the algo number slips under the signal line number, it probably will not since the internal programming rules will likely not latch properly. The algo tracks highs and lows intraday and from the previous session. Thus, Keybot may place itself into position to take out the current intraday low at 1806.21, tomorrow.

Lots of drama is on tap. Markets remain unstable. Bulls need to push VIX back under 14 to keep the upside market party alive. Bears need GTX 4811 and/or JJC 39.65 to develop selling in the markets. Current print on VIX is 14.03 in the bear camp, causing market negativity, by 3 pennies.

12/15/13; 7:00 PM EST =
12/9/13; 12:35 PM EST = +46; signal line is +37
12/9/13; 11:01 AM EST = +60; signal line is +37
12/9/13; 10:30 AM EST = +46; signal line is +36
12/9/13; 9:46 AM EST = +60; signal line is +35

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