Sunday, June 8, 2014


Keybot the Quant remains long and did not print any further numbers last week after the pre-scheduled number on Friday. The bulls push higher. The new week of trading begins with a fight between copper and commodities to control market direction. Bears need lower commodities pushing GTX under 4969 (now at 4983 causing market bullishness). Bulls need higher copper pushing JJC above 37.88 (now at 37.29 causing market bearishness). JJC 37.88 will verify more market upside ahead. GTX 4969 verifies a ceiling in the market upside with equities selling off moving forward.

If both remain as is, markets will float along sideways with a slight upward bias. If GTX loses 4969, and the SPX loses 1942.50, and both remain under, Keybot will likely flip short as surprising as that may sound considering the ongoing upside bullish orgy. Therefore, the imminent turn notation is added to the title line (the difference between the algo number and the signal line is only 3 points signaling an intense bull-bear struggle in play despite the bulls racking up points). 

For the SPX starting at the highs at 1949.44, any smidge of green in the overnight futures charts the course for another several handle upside move well into the mid 1950's. Market bears must keep the overnight futures negative with all their might at the same time pushing copper lower. Bears need the SPX under 1942.50 which will create a downside acceleration. A move through 1943-1949 is sideways action to begin the week. Keybot prints one pre-scheduled number this week on Friday morning; Friday the 13th. Markets remain very unstable.

6/15/14; 7:00 PM EST =
6/13/14; 10:00 AM EST =
6/8/14; 7:00 PM EST = +63; signal line is +60
6/6/14; 9:00 AM EST = +63; signal line is +59

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