Keybot remains short but the algorithm has now come within a point of the signal line, and the algorithm is on the verge of going long, but, not yet. The algorithm numbers verify the knock down drag out fight going on right now between market bulls and bears. The bullish utilities, retail and lower voaltility against the bearish financials, copper, commodities and semiconductors. Neither side wants to give ground.
Volatilty trailed lower today which provides index buoyancy. Caution is warranted, markets are unstable and appear on the verge of a big push. Retail and volatility behavior will show the way for the indexes.
6/5/11; 7:00 PM EST =
6/3/11; 9:00 AM EST =
5/31/11; 7:00 PM EST EOM =
5/31/11; 10:00 AM EST =
5/29/11; 7:00 PM EST =
5/27/11; 10:00 AM EST =
5/26/11; 12:12 PM EST = +2; signal line is +3
5/26/11; 9:51 AM EST = -14
5/25/11; 2:44 PM EST = +2; signal line is +4
5/25/11; 11:53 AM EST = -14
5/25/11; 11:40 AM EST = +2; signal line is +6
5/25/11; 10:25 AM EST = -14
5/25/11; 9:30 AM EST = -28
5/24/11; 3:52 PM EST = -12; signal line is +10
5/24/11; 3:00 PM EST = +2; signal line is +11
5/24/11; 11:47 AM EST = -12
5/24/11; 9:45 AM EST = +2; signal line is +14
5/23/11; 3:24 PM EST = -12
5/23/11; 2:36 PM EST = +2; signal line is +16
5/23/11; 9:31 AM EST = -12
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