Friday, May 6, 2011


Keybot remains short but the algorithm number is now within three points of the signal line so caution is warranted.  The algorithm is watching a fight between the bearish commodities, copper and financials, and the bullish utilities, retail and relative low volatility.

Financials are a key that will either keep the market bears in control with an XLF remaining under 16.31 all day today, now at 16.21, or, the XLF will jump above 16.31 and signal that the broad markets want to go higher. Currently, the bears are in control.

6/5/11; 7:00 PM EST =
6/3/11; 9:00 AM EST =
5/31/11; 7:00 PM EST EOM =
5/31/11; 10:00 AM EST =
5/29/11; 7:00 PM EST =
5/27/11; 10:00 AM EST =
5/22/11; 7:00 PM EST =
5/17/11; 9:00 AM EST =
5/15/11; 7:00 PM EST =
5/13/11; 10:00 AM EST =
5/8/11; 7:00 PM EST =
5/6/11; 9:30 AM EST = +30; signal line is +33
5/6/11; 9:00 AM EST = +16
5/5/11; 3:58 PM EST = +16
5/5/11; 3:17 PM EST = 0
5/5/11; 3:06 PM EST = +16
5/5/11; 11:33 AM EST = +30
5/5/11; 11:08 AM EST = +16
5/5/11; 10:50 AM EST = +30
5/5/11; 9:58 AM EST = +44; signal line is +41 but algorithm says stay short
5/5/11; 9:57 AM EST = +30
5/5/11; 9:30 AM EST = +14
5/4/11; 3:07 PM EST = +28
5/4/11; 2:19 PM EST = +44; signal line is +40 but algorithm says stay short
5/4/11; 12:34 PM EST = +28
5/4/11; 12:22 PM EST = +14
5/4/11; 10:19 AM EST = +28
5/4/11; 10:07 AM EST = +14
5/4/11; 10:06 AM EST = +28
5/4/11; 9:57 AM EST = +44; signal line is +42 but algorithm says stay short
5/4/11; 9:30 AM EST = +60; signal line is +41 but algorithm says stay short
5/3/11; 3:40 PM EST = +44; signal line is +40 but algorithm says stay short
5/3/11; 1:40 PM EST = +28; signal line is +39; go short 1355; (Benchmark SPX for 2011=+7.7%)(Keybot this trade=+2.3%; Keybot for 2011=+3.3%)(Actual this trade via SPY=+2.1%; Actual for 2011=+0.1%)
5/3/11; 12:14 PM EST = +44; signal line is +39

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