Wednesday, March 22, 2023


Keybot the Quant flips to the long side at SPX  4004 near the end of yesterday's session. The SPX and copper rallied out of the gate so you knew the bulls were taking the ball and running down field.

The bulls are in control of stock market direction as Pope Powell provides a rate decision today that will create market angst. The algo number is 19 points above the signal line. Dr Copper remains a key parameter impacting market direction. The bears need to pull CPER below 24.30 to stop the rally. This represents a -0.7% drop in copper futures that are currently up +0.6% so the bears have work to do.

The bears also need to pull SPX back below 3960. It is a big deal to see SPX above 3960 (bullish).

Bulls need NYA above 15065 (now at 14986) and/or VIX below 21.07 (now at 21.74) to create more stock market upside. NYA tells the story today. Bulls win big if NYA pops above 15065. Bears are hiding in the bushes and ready to pounce if the NYA is unable to attain 15065.

On the last trade that ran for a couple weeks, it is more marginal moves. For the year, with Q1 almost in the bag, the benchmark S&P 500 Index, the US stock market, is up about +4%. The Keybot the Quant program and actual trading generated by the quant is up marginally for 2023. Keybot exits DOG and enters QQQ.

As Pope Powell speaks today, watch the NYA, VIX, SPX and copper. Bulls win if NYA moves above 15065 and win big if the VIX drops below 21.07. Bears win if the SPX falls below the critical 3960 and win big if copper futures turn negative and drop -0.7%. Easy peasy.

3/26/23; 7:00 PM EST =
3/21/23; 3:40 PM EST = -31; signal line is -50; go long 4004; (Benchmark SPX for 2023 = +4.3%)(Keybot algo this trade = +0.5%; Keybot algo for 2023 = +0.8%)(Actual results this trade = +0.6%; Actual results for 2023 = +0.7%)
3/21/23; 9:36 AM EST = -31; signal line is -51 but algorithm remans short
3/19/23; 7:00 PM EST = -61; signal line is -51
3/17/23; 10:00 AM EST = -61; signal line is -49
3/17/23; 9:36 AM EST = -61; signal line is -47
3/16/23; 3:59 PM EST = -47; signal line is -46
3/16/23; 9:00 AM EST = -61; signal line is -44
3/15/23; 9:36 AM EST = -61; signal line is -41
3/14/23; 3:59 PM EST = -45; signal line is -39
3/14/23; 3:23 PM EST = -61; signal line is -37
3/14/23; 3:08 PM EST = -45; signal line is -35
3/14/23; 1:31 PM EST = -61; signal line is -34
3/13/23; 11:01 AM EST = -45; signal line is -32
3/13/23; 10:14 AM EST = -61; signal line is -31
3/13/23; 9:36 AM EST = -77; signal line is -29
3/12/23; 7:00 PM EST = -61; signal line is -27
3/10/23; 3:59 PM EST = -61; signal line is -25
3/10/23; 3:58 PM EST = -45; signal line is -22
3/10/23; 3:47 PM EST = -61; signal line is -21
3/10/23; 2:11 PM EST = -45; signal line is -19
3/10/23; 1:37 PM EST = -61; signal line is -18
3/10/23; 12:01 PM EST = -45; signal line is -16
3/10/23; 10:59 AM EST = -31; signal line is -14
3/10/23; 10:21 AM EST = -45; signal line is -12
3/10/23; 10:07 AM EST = -31; signal line is -10
3/10/23; 9:45 AM EST = -45; signal line is -9
3/10/23; 9:00 AM EST = -31; signal line is -8
3/9/23; 3:59 PM EST = -31; signal line is -7
3/9/23; 3:15 PM EST = -47; signal line is -7
3/9/23; 2:55 PM EST = -31; signal line is -6
3/9/23; 1:52 PM EST = -17; signal line is -6
3/8/23; 9:38 AM EST = -3; signal line is -5 but algorithm remains short
3/7/23; 10:03 AM EST = -19; signal line is -6; go short 4024; (Benchmark SPX for 2023 = +4.8%)(Keybot algo this trade = +1.2%; Keybot algo for 2023 = +0.3%)(Actual results this trade = +1.7%; Actual results for 2023 = +0.1%)

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