Keybot the Quant flips to the short side at SPX 5899 at the opening bell. The bulls are asking around if anyone saw that bus that hit them? Wow, it was quite a bed-sh*tting right out of the gate. Volatility spiked creating negativity for the stock market and then banks, retail stocks and chips all fell down the rabbit hole. They are now small when they used to be tall. White Rabbit.
The bears are in charge with the algo number 28 points below the signal line. The Fed is trying to drive volatility lower as this is typed to help stocks stabilize. Watch the VIX 16.97 line in the sand. Also XLF 48.60, RTH 225.55 and SOX 5056. All four metrics are in the crap hole so any one turning bullish will stabilize the stock market and stop the downward slide. If all four remain negative, the stock market will continue to deteriorate.
The quant likely needs at least 2 of the 4 metrics above to turn bullish to place the quant in position to go long. Watch volatility, banks, retail stocks and chips that are controlling stock market direction currently.
On the last trade that went by at a blink of an eye, the quant program and actual trading each lose a percent. For the year, with tomorrow the last day of trading in 2024, the SPX is up about +24%. The also program is up about +10% and the actual trading generated by the robot is up about +17%. Keybot exited SPY and entered PSQ.
UTIL is teasing towards the 955 Armageddon trap-door for stocks now down to 977.
1/5/25; 7:00 PM EST =
12/31/24; 7:00 PM EST EOM
EOQ4 EOY 2024 =
12/30/24; 9:30
AM EST = -32; signal line is -4; go short 5899; (Benchmark SPX for 2024
= +23.7%)(Keybot algo this trade = -1.0%; Keybot algo for 2024 = +9.9%)(Actual
results this trade = -1.0%; Actual results for 2024 = +16.7%)
12/30/24; 5:18 AM EST =
+16; signal line is -3
12/30/24; 5:01 AM EST =
+30; signal line is -3
12/30/24; 4:50 AM EST =
+16; signal line is -3
12/30/24; 4:32 AM EST =
+30; signal line is -3
3:06 AM EST = +16; signal line is -3
12/29/24; 7:00 PM EST = +30; signal line is -2
1:58 PM EST = +30; signal line is -2
1:38 PM EST = +16; signal line is -2
12:08 PM EST = +0; signal line is -2
10:10 AM EST = +16; signal line is -1
10:17 AM EST = +30; signal line is -1
12/23/24; 3:56 PM EST = +14; signal line is -1
12/23/24; 1:41 PM EST = +0; signal line is -1; go long 5961;
(Benchmark SPX for 2024 = +25.0%)(Keybot algo this trade = +0.7%; Keybot algo
for 2024 = +10.9%)(Actual results this trade = -1.0%; Actual results for 2024 =